Friday, November 30, 2007

I Can Make You Thin 90 Days Succes Journal

Hurm i bought this journal on 28/11 .

Saja nak try either berkesan ke tak. Some how aku baru start on 29/11 .

So far i dah berjaya lepas hari kedua. Hari ketiga is little bit tough for me to fight. ( Sebab dok rumah aunty and then last week pulak lepak rumah dia nanti nak pindah masuk rumah baru )

Dia ade 7 rules penting for everyday, mcm checklist la.
a) I ate when i'm hungry
b) I ate what i really wanted
c) I ate conciously
d) I stopped when i full
e) I drank water
f) I moved my body
g) I doing mirror exercise <-- this mirror excersice neh kite kene bygkan kite dlm masa akhirnya journal neh. setiap hari kene buat.

So far as what i'm concern, i only eat when i'm hungry and i ate whut i really wanted.

Bagi aku, journal neh menarik sbb kite kene check list 7 rules di atas then kena nyatakan
a) one positive thing i noticed today
b) what i'm looking foward for tomorrow.

It's a motivation books toward a healtier lifestyle and beauty.

Let see me in 87 days from today. ;)


aszifa_aris said...

heyaa MIn!!..Wah3...okeh, i keep my eye on u also after 87 days =]Motivated giler min nih....bagus gilerr..!!